

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

An Outstanding Special People-Louis Braille

Louis Braille was born in Coupvray,France in 1809.When he was three years old,he injured his left eye.By the age of four he was completely blind.Even though he was blind,Louis was very interesting in studying.
He studies at the school for the blind in Paris and did well at his studies.During his time,there were books for the blind.These were made of cardboard and had large letters that were raised.The books were large and bulky because the letter were big.To read these books, the students had to use their fingertips to feel each letter.However,it took them a long time to read a sentence.By the time they reached the end of a sentence,they almost forgot what the beginning of the sentence was about.Since then,Louis had wanted to invent some alphabet codes to make his “finger reading”as quickly and as easily as a sighted person.
Louis was an intelligent student.After graduating, he became a teacher.He invented a new form of writting using a system of raised dots.It was called Braille.In Braille,the letters of the alphabet are made up of dots.The position of the different dots would represent the different letters of the alphabet..Braille was a great invention for the blind because people used to think that the only way to read was with our eyes.
Nowdays,there are many modern gadgets like typewriters,watches and computers that use Braille.This has helped the blind to get a good education.Today,Blind people all around the world can read and write easily because of Louis Braille’s invention.Louis Braille is an outstanding person because he did not let blindness stand in his way of success.

Written by
Christie Liau


yanling said...
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yanling said...

Hi , Chris !

good try ^0^ u mind , pls use past tense n urs story ...bcoz of the role u mentioned !

Nevertheless , u r talentant oh !!

Quite a fantastic real story ^o^ I ever read !

kp it up ^o^